영어 원서

영어 원서 The Stranger 알베르 카뮈의 이방인을 영어로 읽고 Ch.4~6

박샘 2021. 4. 8. 23:42

Chapter 4

Mersault and Marie date. While Marie stays at Mersault's apartment, Raymond and his mistress fights and the police comes in. Raymond will be summoned by his wrongdoings against the mistress. In the mean time, Marie gets upset with what's happened to Raymond and his mistress. Even though Marie loses her appetite, Mersault eats everything as if nothing has happened. He thinks that the incident is meaningless. 

Mersault himself does not seem to care about what sort of things has happened to the poor lady. He even agrees to stand on Raymond's side in court as he decides to be a character witness for Raymond. 

Salamano has lost his dog and worry his dog. It is ironic for him to be sad because he's never treated his dog well. Meursault is kind of confused to see Salamano to be sad. He thought the dog is not meaningful for Salamano. He still wants to believe that everything is meaningless. 


육욕에 충실한 머썰트. 동물적인 본능이 그에게는 삶 자체에 의미를 찾는 것보다 낫다고 생각하는 듯하다. 무자비한 레이몬드의 폭력에 눈 감고, 늘 그렇듯 멀리 떨어져 사건을 바라보고 심지어 그곳을 타이밍 좋을 때 빠져나오기도 합니다. 그는 타인과의 관계에 늘 중립을 지킵니다. 그리고 상대를 배려한답시고 섣부른 위안을 주는 것도 모릅니다. 자기감정에 충실하다고 믿기에 자기를 사랑하냐는 마리의 질문에도 사랑하지 않는다고 솔직히 말합니다. 이렇게 사는 삶은 편한지 궁금합니다. 저는 머썰트가 인격장애자 같습니다. 

I told him that, so far as I knew, they kept stray dogs in the pound for three days, waiting for their owners to call for them. After that they disposed of the dogs as they thought fit.

Quotes from The Stranger

Chapter 5

Mersault has no ambition even though his boss suggests he work in Paris. This makes his boss upset. In the mean time, Maris gets also upset at Mersault because he does not care if he marries her or not. Mersault is a truely passive person, who sees life as a series of meaningless events and detached relationships. Salamano thinks of Mersault cold. 


머썰트는 공부를 포기한 이후로 그 어떤 것에도 야망을 가지지 않기로 했습니다. 그는 세상이 의미 없는 거 투성이라고 여기며, 결혼에 대한 생각도 해도 그만 안 해도 그만이라 말하는 허무주의자다. 딱히 어떤 관계에도 정 붙일 곳 없는 머썰트에게 개를 잃어버린 노인이 친모를 양로원에 맡긴 머썰트의 행동이 못내 아쉽다는 말을 하지만 머썰트는 아무런 감흥을 느끼진 않는다. 그저 돈 때문이라고 말하는데. 내가 보기에는 그는 솔직한 거고, 그에게 어떤 관계에 대한 의미를 가지라고 강요하는 건 무리이고 그건 그의 선택이라고 말하고 싶기도 하다. 


Through the wall there came to me a little wheezing sound, and I guessed that he was weeping. For some reason, I don’t know what, I began thinking of Mother. But I had to get up early next day; so, as I wasn’t feeling hungry, I did without supper, and went straight to bed.

Quotes from The Stranger


Chapter 6

Thanks to Mersault's testimony, Raymond is released with a warning. Mersault, Marie and Raymond go for a swim. There are people who keep chasing after Raymond. Mersault does not think that they are a threat for them. However, the Arab becomes dead by Mersault's gun shot. It all has happened all of a sudden. Mersault keeps thinking that it just transpired because of the sun. Physical sensations end up causing him to kill a person with cold blood. And he does not seem to regret it. 


갑자기 살인사건이라니. 그가 아랍인을 죽인 건 정말 황당한 행동이라고 밖에는 설명할 길이 없어요. 그리고 그것이 태양 탓이랍니다. 인간이 동물과 다른 점은 이성적 판단이 가능하다는 건데, 머썰트는 동물적인 본능만 가진 사람 같습니다. 그에게는 양심이 없으며 사람의 생명조차 귀히 존중받아야 할 이유를 모릅니다. 모든 게 그에게는 그저 무의미합니다. 개를 잃어버린 주인의 심정이나, 태양 때문에 방아쇠를 당겨 사람을 죽인 일이나 다 똑같은 무게로 받아들입니다.


The light was almost vertical and the glare from the water seared one’s eyes. The beach was quite deserted now. One could hear a faint tinkle of knives and forks and crockery in the shacks and bungalows lining the foreshore. Heat was welling up from the rocks, and one could hardly breathe.

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