The Korean national anthem, aka Aegukga 애국가
The Korean national anthem, aka Aegukga was composed under the Japanese occupation. The lyrics you pointed out could be translated as "Great Korean people, stay true to the Great Korean way!" They wanted to be independent from the Japanese occupation. They never wanted to be like the Japanese people.
길이 = forever
보전하세 = get us protected and advanced
대한으로 = towards Korea not Japan
That's what I think, Heather.
Well, lots of sources say that the composer of the song was actually a pro-Japanese activist. However, the Korean gov't couldn't change the national anthem after all these years. Back then the composer attempted to make a great musical piece for the Korean people at times. During that time, he composed the great piece and the Korean people was pleased to add an original Korean anthem lyrics to his musical piece. They didn't know he was a pro-Japanese. He outsmarted the Korean people. As far as I know, the composer didn't write the lyrics. Maybe that's why Korean gov't had decided to stick with the current national anthem.
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